1 Response to “Here’s a recent poll (screenshot: 8 June 2009)”

  1. 1 Metalizer
    October 24, 2010 at 12:20 am

    I currently use one of the last generation matte Apple Cinema Displays. If I had to replace it, I would have to go with one of the Dell Ultrasharps that have a matte screen.

    I have seen for myself the current Apple glossy displays, including that of the iMacs in a showroom. Really, they seem totally unusable for photo editing and graphics … a bit of a joke really – given that the actual quality of the Apple screen panels themselves have improved (with IPS) behind the glass LOL.

    Even though I have one of the current MacBook Pros 13 inch, I wouldn’t trust or use its screen for critical photo work.

    The choice of antiglare on the 15 inch and 17 inch MacBook Pros proves that Apple recognises that users need such a matte screen for critical and analytical work. We badly need the same choice for desktop screens.

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